Welcome to the Department of Special Services

  • The vision of the BISD Department of Special Services is "One Purpose One Goal: Excellence for Each Student".

    In working towards achieving this vision the Department of Special Services strives to provide students with disabilities a quality education that is appropriate to meet their individual educational needs.

    The department recognizes the importance of collaboration between the school, home, and community to achieve our vision and partners with parents and members of the community to work towards achieving excellence for each student.


    SPEDTEX Special Education Information Center is your gateway to special education resources. From accommodations to transition and everything in between, the Locator can tailor your search by topic, audience, language and type. Parents can create an account and receive customized reminders, participate in focus groups, locate resources, and access training. 

    Contact Information:

    Phone: 1-855-773-3839

    Email: inquire@spedtex.org

    Live Chat: www.spedtex.org

  • BLINC Lab Online Training  Blinc Training - Spanish

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