• Checks are printed on Tuesdays and Thursday only 

    Student activity funds (865) will be processed as check requests for all purchases.  All purchases must be pre-approved by the Principal before orders can be placed with the vendor.  Before check requests are entered in TEAMS, supporting documents must be verified for accuracy (receipts and invoices). 

    If checks issued to vendors require a receipt as documentation of the expenditure, the receipt is due within five working days in order to close the check request voucher.  An example:  Pizza, etc. 

    1. Sponsor must complete the Student Activity Fund Voucher (SAF-104). 
    1. Order information must be obtained from the vendor in the form of a quote; however, the invoice can be obtained at that time as long as the invoice date does not precede the date of the Principals approval. Attach quote/invoice to SAF-104. 
    1. Submit to the bookkeeper for Principals approval. 
    1. Once the Principal approves the request the order can officially be place by the sponsor. 
    1. The bookkeeper will enter the request in TEAMS. 

    If orders are processed using a quote the sponsor or bookkeeper must request the invoice from the vendor and send to the Accounts Payable Department within five days. 

    Write on the invoice the check request identification number and the check number that the invoice/receipt should be attached to.   Accounts Payable will contact the bookkeeper if the invoice/receipt is not received within five days. 

    Keep all documentation attached to SAF-104 and file in the bookkeeper’s monthly folders.