• All purchases must be approved by the Principal.  The district will not be responsible for any orders placed before a Purchase Order is issued.  The individual who placed the order  will be held responsible for the invoice payment.  Purchase Orders will be used for supplies/materials, fixed assets, etc.  It may take from 3-5 business days to process a P.O. and include the following steps:  

    Traditional PO

    1. Purchases should not be made without a P.O. and prior authorization from the Principal, Administration and the Activity Fund Office.
    2. Complete the Student Activity Fund Voucher (SAF-104)
    3. Complete the vendor name, address, phone number and fax.  This information is needed for TEAMS.
    4. Complete any special handling instructions.
    5. Fill in the items that you are ordering; quantity, description, price, and the total amount.  Give the name of the person requesting and purpose.  Include any shipping fees.
    6. If the items are being purchased for a fundraiser, document the fundraiser number at the top of the SAF-104.
    7. Submit to the bookkeeper/secretary.
    8. The bookkeeper/secretary will enter the RPO request into TEAMS and submit to the Principal for approval.
    9. If you are using a new vendor, you must complete a new vendor form and submit to the Purchasing Department to be set up.  New vendors are required to fill out a vendor packet which can be found on the BISD web page under Purchasing.  The vendor may not be used until approved. 
    10. Once approved by the Principal, Activity Fund Specialist and the CFO it will go to the Purchasing Department for approval.
    11. The Purchasing Department will fax the approved P.O. to the vendor.
    12. When the shipment is received, please check for damages or shortages. 
      If there are problems with the order, contact the vendor as soon as possible.  If the order has no problems, sign the packing slip and return to the bookkeeper for receiving in TEAMS.  All invoices are to be sent to Accounts Payable.  If an invoice is sent to the campus, forward to Accounts Payable immediately.
    13. Once the items are received in TEAMS and Accounts Payable has received and entered the invoice a check for payment will be issued.
    14. School Year End: POs are to be closed by the end of the school year (June 30, 20XX). All items ordered are to be recieved by then or before the campus Bookkeeper/Secretary leaves for the summer.



    • No expenditure shall be approved by the Principal unless sufficient funds are available in the appropriate Activity Fund account.
    • Project POs for on-going project require prior approval. Contact Purchasing.
    • Purchase orders are not processed out of Student 865 Funds.