• Ticketed Events

    A General Admission (ticketed event) is defined as a fee paid for entry to an unreserved seating area as in a gym, cafeteria, or other similar locations. Examples of general admission events are: dances, plays, games, etc.  General admission/ticketed events are to be set up in Hometown Ticketing for events costing $4.00 or more. Events with ticket costs less than $4.00 can be entered into Hometown Ticketing, but it is optional.

    Ticketed events where cash is accepted are to follow the general admissions procedures in this section.

    The following procedures will apply for all general admission events: 

    1. Safeguarding Tickets 
      • Tickets represent cash and must be safeguarded accordingly.
      • They must be secured in a locked safe or cabinet until issued to ticket seller
    2. Use Pre-numbered Tickets 
      • Pre-numbered tickets must be used for all activities for which admission is charged.
      • It is recommended that different colored tickets be used for different admission fees.
    3. Issue Tickets 
      • Prepare a ticket log (SAF-123) of the tickets to be issued. Record the ticket number sequence, purpose, name and signature of the ticket seller responsible.
      • Issue each ticket seller the tickets, and change fund. Record the name, event, beginning ticket number and amount of change fund issued on the sales form.
    4. Ticket Sales and Admissions 
      • It is recommended that two individuals control admissions. One collects money and issues tickets, the other individual collect and tears tickets.
      • Tickets must be sold in number sequence.
      • The ticket collector will tear the ticket in half, place the numbered half in a box and give the other half to the purchaser. Tearing prevents tickets from being reused and the numbered half of the ticket provides a way to reconcile receipts.
    5. Sales Report 
      • Count money and complete ticket sales on sales report.
      • Ticket total should equal ticket sales. Any difference must be explained.
      • To calculate the number of tickets sold, take the ending ticket number minus the beginning ticket number plus one and multiply by the selling price.  Return the completed ticket sales report and all money collected to the bookkeeper/secretary.
      • Follow district procedures to safely secure monies collected.
    6. Completion of Event
      • Return all unused tickets and change fund to the bookkeeper/secretary with the final ticket sales form.
      • The bookkeeper or secretary logs in and verifies all tickets are accounted for and that the change fund has been returned.