The ROAR Reading Express

  • ROAR Reading Express

    Beaumont ISD unveiled the ROAR Reading Express, a mobile library chocked full of books, literacy resources and reading nooks, at their “Reading is at the Heart of Everything” event at The Event Centre February 15, 2019. The bus will be used throughout the year to visit to Beaumont neighborhoods, campuses, community events, apartment complexes and various other locations where children can climb aboard and read, select a book to take home, take Accelerated Reader tests and more.

    The ROAR Reading Express is not just focused on BISD students; this is a community literacy initiative. The District's goal is to utilize this mobile library to spread a love of reading and to stress the importance of reading throughout the area. Beginning in Spring 2019, the ROAR Express will be available for companies and organizations to host at their events.


    Click here to submit a request to host the ROAR Express at your business or event.